UK wide coverage, global streaming
We operate over the whole of the UK and use our own internet to broadcast the feed via our secure website. We can broadcast from any location including crematoriums, churches and graveside. We start the live stream 5 minutes before the service begins and after we end the broadcast the video remains online for three months and is watchable again immediately.
A permanant digital download is available to purchase if you wish
Can you really cover the entire UK?
Yes, with enough notice we can get anywhere. We charge a very small fee for distances over 100 miles but that’s just to cover costs. For distances that require an overnight stay we can arrange the most affordable accommodation to suit
Are the cameras intrusive? I don’t want it to be awkward
The cameras we use are very small and can be controlled remotely so we don’t actually need to be stood next to them to have full control of them. This means that you often forget they are even there. Extremely discrete and not distracting at all
Can you stream from the graveside?
Yes, we’re totally portable and don’t rely on plug sockets so live streaming from the graveside is no problem
How long do you need to set up?
Approximately five minutes. We always arrive well in advance and set up all our equipment long before the service starts so when we are allowed into the crematorium or church all we have to do is put a microphone on the officiant / minister / vicar and the lectern
Live Streaming can very occasionally have its hurdles due to connectivity and it depends on the exact location in the UK. We use a coverage checker so we know what were going into before we get there and in the unlikely event that our connection speed isn’t quite fast enough to give an excellent stream we always record what we capture anyway and will immediately upload the HD video as soon as the event has finished
How many Cameras and Microphones do you use?
The majority of the time we use one camera to livestream but we can use more. We can discuss the option of having more than one camera if you want to. We usually use three superb quality microphones, one for ambience and music or singing, another for the officiant and a third for any readings you do. We monitor the feeds throughout the stream to use the best microphone for the moment
The quality of our video and audio is exceptional and likely to be better quality then any fixed camera the crematorium will have. The camera is controlled to offer the best view and can be moved during the stream if needed, we stream in HD which is the maximum quality you can stream with current technology